About Bèl Dyès Mas.
Carnival is life, carnival is love and carnival is beautiful oui!
About Bèl Dyès Mas; founder Emma Mathurine says, "Carnival is a huge part of my culture and playing mas is one of my greatest loves." In 2020, I was so very proud to be able to take it to the next level and to introduce to you my first ever Carnival section, 'Candy Flossin'.
In 2022 we bring to you 'Dèviwan-a' which translates to ‘The Return’ in Dominican Kwèyol. We have waited patiently to get back on to the road and now we are ready to play Mas!
Stay tuned, for more information but for now say hello to BÈL DYÈS MAS (pronounced Bell Dee Yay). Carnival is an integral part of the Caribbean experience and history of the land and of the people. Having participated in carnivals across the world and in the UK, the founder created Bèl Dyès Mas to provide a unique experience for masqueraders.
Bèl Dyès Mas provides a high level of quality and an experience that you will always cherish! Be warned, carnival is addictive...